Month: November 2022

Top 7 Myths About Hardwood Floors Busted!

There are a lot of myths out there about hardwood floors. Some people think they are too high maintenance, or that they are expensive to install. Others believe that they can only be used in certain rooms of the house.

In this blog post, we will debunk these myths and show you that hardwood floors are a great option for any room in your home!

Myth #1 – Hardwood Floors Are Difficult to Maintain

Contrary to what you may have heard, with a little regular care, hardwood floors will stay beautiful for many years. There are a few simple things you can do to keep your hardwood floors looking their best.

First, sweep or vacuum them regularly to remove dirt and dust. When sweeping, be sure to use a soft-bristled brush to avoid scratching the floor. Second, mop your hardwood floors regularly with a mild cleaning solution.

Be sure to dry the floor afterward to prevent water damage. Third, protect your hardwood floors from sunlight and furniture by using rugs or mats in high-traffic areas. We recommend the Easy Hardwood Floor Cleaner™ and the MacMop™.

Myth #2 – Hardwood Floors Are Only for High-End Homes

While this may have been true in the past, there are now many affordable options available when it comes to hardwood floors. You can find quality hardwood floors that fit your budget, no matter what type of home you live in or your personal style preferences.

Some popular choices for budget-friendly hardwood floors include engineered wood and laminate flooring. Engineered wood is made of several layers of wood, with the top layer being real wood. This type of flooring offers more durability and stain resistance than traditional wood flooring, while also being more affordable. Laminate flooring is made of composite wood and resin, which gives it a realistic look and feel similar to that of hardwood floors.

If you are looking for higher-end hardwood floors, there are options available as well. One popular choice is solid hardwood flooring, which offers the most natural look and feel of all types of hardwood floors. Solid wood floors are also extremely durable, and are able to withstand years of heavy foot traffic. Whatever your budget, you can find the perfect hardwood floors for your home!

Myth #3 – Hardwood Floors Cannot Be Used in Rooms with High Traffic

While it is true that there are some rooms in your home that are more suitable for hardwood floors than others, there are also many options available to help you get the look you want no matter what type of room you have.

For rooms with a lot of traffic, such as the kitchen or living room, you may want to opt for a thicker hardwood floor, or use laminate flooring instead. With so many choices available today when it comes to hardwood floors, there is no reason why you can’t have the look you want in any room of your home!

Myth #4 – Hardwood Floors Are Too Expensive

While it is true that high-quality hardwood flooring can be more expensive than other types of flooring, such as laminate or vinyl, there are also many great options available that are both affordable and stylish.

If you are looking for an extremely budget-friendly option, consider engineered wood flooring or laminate flooring. These types of floors look very similar to real hardwood floors but can be much more affordable.

If you are willing to spend a bit more on your hardwood floors, you can opt for solid wood flooring or parquet flooring. Both styles of flooring offer the most natural look and feel of all types of hardwood floors, but can also be more costly. One of the best parts about hardwood flooring is that it increases the value of your home. Think of the money you put into your floors as an investment, rather than a cost!

Myth #5: You Have to Refinish Your Hardwood Floors Every Few Years

There are now many options available for protecting your hardwood floors from wear and tear. One popular choice is a polyurethane coating, which helps to seal and protect your floors from damage caused by heavy foot traffic or spills.

Another way to extend the life of your hardwood floors is to use area rugs in high-traffic areas. This will help protect your floors from scratches or dents, and also helps keep your home looking stylish and organized! For more tips on keeping your hardwood floors looking beautiful, check out our recent post on the topic.

Myth #6: You Need a Lot of Space to Install Hardwood Flooring

While it is true that traditional hardwood floors can take up more floor space than other types of flooring, such as laminate or vinyl, there are now many options available for those with smaller spaces.

Let’s say you’re looking to install hardwood floors in a smaller space, such as a small room or entryway, opt for engineered wood flooring instead. Engineered wood flooring is more flexible than solid wood flooring, and can easily be installed in tight spaces without sacrificing the look you want.

And of course, if you are looking to install hardwood floors in a large space, such as your living room or dining room, you can easily find the perfect style of flooring for your space. When it comes to hardwood floors, the options are nearly endless.

Myth #7 – Hardwood Floors Can Only Be Installed on a Perfectly Level Surface

Many homeowners opt for engineered wood flooring, which can easily be installed over an uneven or slightly sloped surface. This type of flooring comes with a layer of plywood that is able to bend and flex across a range of surfaces.

If you are worried about the surface level of your floor or want to make sure that you get the look you want, consider using one of these tips when choosing and installing your hardwood floors:

Check with your contractor or interior designer for advice on choosing the right type of flooring for your space
Use a level to make sure that your floors are installed correctly and evenly
Add a layer of padding to help even out any uneven areas on your floor

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, there are many myths associated with hardwood floors that simply aren’t true. Whether you have a small space or a large space that you want to install hardwood floors in, there is an option available to meet your needs and budget. So don’t be afraid to explore all of your options when it comes to hardwood flooring – you’ll be amazed by all the great styles and options available!

If you’re in the Denver area in need of hardwood floors, get in contact with MacDonald Hardwoods today! We have a wide selection of flooring options available and can help you find the perfect floors for your home or office space.

The Many Advantages of Engineered Hardwood Flooring

With so many flooring types on the market, it can be difficult to decide which type is the best for your home when renovating. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is engineered hardwood flooring. This type of flooring has a number of advantages over other types, such as laminate or vinyl.

In this blog post, we will discuss the many benefits of installing engineered hardwood floors in your home!

Engineered Hardwood Flooring Is Made of Multiple Layers of Wood

Engineered hardwood flooring is made of multiple layers of wood. This gives it added strength and stability, making it more durable than traditional hardwood floors. The top layer is a veneer of real wood, while the bottom layer is composed of a more durable plywood or HDF sublayer.

In between these layers is a core made of crisscrossed layers of lumber or plywood. This core provides extra stability and resistance to changes in temperature and humidity. As a result, engineered hardwood floors are less likely to warp or cup than traditional hardwood floors.

In addition, the multiple layers of wood make engineered hardwood floors more resistant to denting and scratches. This makes them a great choice for high-traffic areas, as well as homes with pets or kids. Thanks to their durability, engineered hardwood floors can last for decades with proper care.

Engineered Hardwood Floors Are Easier to Install Than Other Options

Engineered hardwood floors are easier to install than traditional hardwood floors because they can be installed over most existing flooring types. The plywood or other bottom layer provides stability, so the flooring can be installed without nailing or gluing it to the subfloor. In addition, engineered hardwood floors can be installed as a floating floor, which means that they are not attached to the subfloor. This makes installation even easier.

There are two main types of engineered hardwood floors: floating and nail-down. Floating floors are not attached to the subfloor, so they can be installed over most existing flooring types. Nail-down floors are attached to the subfloor with nails or staples. Both types of engineered hardwood floors can be installed over concrete subfloors with the use of a vapor barrier and underlayment.

Engineered Wood Has “Extra Personality Options”

Engineered hardwood floors come in a variety of colors, finishes, and styles. The top layer of wood veneer can be stained or finished to match your existing décor. This allows you to create a cohesive flooring design throughout your home, or to add some personality and interest with an unusual finish. Examples of different finishes include matte, glossy, and textured.

A finish is applied to the top layer of wood after it has been installed and can be reapplied or changed at any time. This means that you can change the look of your floors over time simply by switching out finishes.

In addition to being available in a wide range of styles, engineered hardwood floors are also suitable for use on stairs and floors with underfloor heating. This makes them a great choice for any home, no matter what your needs or preferences may be.

Engineered hardwood floors are available in a wide range of wood species, including oak, maple, hickory, birch, ash, mahogany, cherry, and pine. This gives you plenty of options to choose from. And with so many options available, it is easy to find the perfect engineered hardwood floors for your home!

Engineered Hardwood Flooring Is More Affordable Than Traditional Hardwood Floors

In addition to being more durable and resistant to high humidity levels, engineered hardwood floors are also more affordable than traditional hardwood floors. Because they are made of multiple layers of wood, they cost less per square foot than solid hardwood flooring.

And since engineered hardwood floors are more resistant to expansion and contraction, they can also last longer than traditional hardwood floors. The last thing you want to go through as a homeowner is needing to replace your hardwood floors not long after you have installed them.

Engineered Hardwood Floors Are Easier to Maintain Than Other Flooring Options

Engineered hardwood floors are also much easier to maintain than other flooring options. For example, they do not require any special cleaning products or treatments, and you can use a simple broom or vacuum to remove loose dirt.

In addition, engineered hardwood floors are relatively scratch-resistant because of their layered construction. This makes them an ideal choice for families with young children or pets who may be prone to accidentally scratching the flooring.

Engineered Hardwood Floors Are More Environmentally Friendly

When it comes to flooring options, there are many factors to consider. However, one important consideration is the impact that the flooring will have on the environment. Unfortunately, most flooring options are actually quite bad for the planet.

Carpeting is often made from synthetic materials that can release harmful chemicals into the air, and vinyl flooring can contain harmful chemicals as well. Even tile and stone floors can be problematic, as they require a lot of energy and water to produce.

Fortunately, there is one type of flooring that is much more environmentally friendly: engineered hardwood. Unlike carpet and vinyl, it does not off-gas harmful chemicals. And unlike tile and stone, it does not require a large number of resources to produce. As a result, engineered hardwood is a much more sustainable option for your flooring needs.

And because they are more resistant to changes in humidity levels, these floors will not expand or contract as much as solid hardwood floors, which means that they will last so much longer. As a result, you can feel good about using engineered hardwood floors in your home.

Final Thoughts

Overall, there are many advantages to choosing engineered hardwood floors for your home. Other options may be less durable, more difficult to maintain, or more expensive. But with engineered hardwood floors, you can enjoy all the benefits of traditional hardwood flooring, while also being able to customize your floors and save money in the process.

If you are looking for a high-quality flooring option that is easy to care for and environmentally friendly, engineered hardwood floors may be the perfect choice for your home.

Those in the Denver area who still have questions or want to install hardwood floors in their home should get in touch with MacDonald Hardwoods. We will come up with a quote that fits your budget and your unique needs.

Get your quote today!

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