Buying a new floor isn’t just about picking your dream flooring and away you go, you have to think about the accessories which will make your installation smoother and the finished room look the best it possibly can. We sell a range of installation and maintenance and accessories to help you along the way. Here are our best sellers…
Beading: Available in a variety colours, beading is the perfect accessory to complement your wood flooring. It will fill the gap between your planks and the wall or skirting board. Your room will suffer without it, so make sure it’s added to your basket
Underlay: Here at Luxury Flooring we sell an extensive range of underlays for all flooring types with a variety of thicknesses, materials and sound reduction properties.
If the room you are laying your flooring in is susceptible to moisture or damp rising, we strongly advise that you purchase an underlay which contains damp proof membrane. If sound reduction is a priority to you, then look at the decibel rating – the higher the number, the more effective it will be.
Glue: This one speaks for itself. It’s a vital component which seals the joints and planks of your wood flooring together. When laying the flooring, you should be able to run a bead of glue along the tongue of the next board into the groove. This provides the perfect bond creating a stronger and more durable floor that stays together better. It’s also very fast drying, within an hour!
Ramp Profile: This is designed to bridge the expansion between doorways. It should be use when one level is higher than the other, if levels are the same then you should consider using a T profile. All profiles are designed to match our flooring, from a whitewashed oak to dark walnut brown.
Skirting Board: Coming in a variety of colours, widths and heights, it’ll fit perfectly in with whatever flooring you choose. We would always recommend a skirting board to finish off a room and complete your flooring with an elegant and sophisticated touch.
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The images features our: White Washed Engineered Oak Scotia Beading To Match White Washed Flooring (PRO207).
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