Should I Use Light or Dark Hardwood Floors?
If you are someone who is lucky enough to live in a home with hardwood floors, you should be thankful. Hardwood floors are the epitome of class and elevate a home’s look and feel that is tough to replicate.
But if you are deciding upon the type of hardwood floor you want in your home, you have options. There are many selections for your home flooring but when it comes to hardwood floors, most people start with selecting the tone: light or dark? Yet, even those two options might feel overwhelming and impossible to choose between.
Getting Started
Light, cool, dark, warm – these are the tones of hardwood that can alter the overall look and feel of a floor. There are many factors to consider. In the end, it all depends on what type of homeowner you are and what sort of things you value. What type of cleaner are you? Are you a pet owner? Do you have children? All of these things will come together to help inform if your hardwood floors are going to function better in a dark tone or a lighter one.
Before you really get into the pros and cons of dark and light hardwood floors, it is important that you make a commitment to decide upon the option that you like the most. At the end of the day, the final choice should always be the one that makes you happiest. It’s your home and it should look the way you want it to.
When the time comes to make the final decision, here are the things to think about when choosing between light or dark hardwood floors.
Which is Easier to Keep Clean?
While some of the competing topics between light and dark hardwood floors end up with neck-and-neck results, this one isn’t really close. The truth is that lighter toned hardwood floors are much easier to keep clean. Light hardwood floors tend to show less dirt than their dark alternatives. This is important if you have a home that has a lot of open windows, fans, or pets. An open window, for example, will bring in dirt and dust from the outside world. That will show up pretty readily on your hardwood floor.
The same dirt and dust will also get all over a carpeted floor too. However, it will show up much more on hardwood. Thankfully, seeing a mess easier on hardwood can actually be a good thing because that means you will be able to tend to it faster and get it cleaned. People who have carpets are often walking around on dirty ground without even knowing it. Meanwhile, homeowners with hardwood are able to spot and fix these problem areas much faster.
If you are looking for a floor that is easier to clean, you should go with light hardwood floors.
Which Shows Scratches More?
Hardwood floors are striking in their appearance, there is no doubt about it. But it is also undeniable that hardwood floors are more prone to scratches and little damages more than most other flooring methods. This makes sense when you think about it, wood is more susceptible to little imperfections over time. Hardwood floors are still strong, don’t misunderstand that. However, there is a good chance that your hardwood floor will receive some dings and damage over time.
Since some minor damage is unavoidable, the question becomes which shows scratches more: light or dark hardwood? Most people agree that dents, dings, and scratches show up much more on dark hardwood. Why is that? Because most wood floor species are light, so when you scratch through the dark-colored surface, the contrast of the light underneath is more obvious, meaning that the scratch shows up much easier than it does on a light-on-light hardwood floor.
This is something to consider if you are a parent or pet owner. Children and animals are the two biggest culprits when it comes to damage to hardwood floors. They bring a lot of love into your home but they also can bring in a lot of roughhousing and damage. If you have children or pets – or both – you should seriously consider having a light hardwood floor for your home.
If you still decide to get a dark hardwood floor knowing that your scratches will show up more, there are options for you. There are many ways to clean your hardwood floor, no matter how dark it is and how many scratches it has.
[Source: Unsplash]
Which One Will Cost You More?
You may be wondering which one, light or dark toned hardwood floors, will make a larger impact on your wallet. The truth is that in this case, both light and dark hardwood floors are about the same when it comes to pricing. In some markets, that may be different. However, generally, the difference in pricing is minimal.
Personal Preferences
While maintenance and cost are common deciding factors, one thing that can’t be neglected is considering one’s personal preferences.
A home’s style is unique. Depending on the color schemes of the rooms in your home, there is usually an optimal choice. There is actually a science that revolves around floor color. Here are some highlights.
- Floor colors impact the way we perceive the size of a room. Some colors make a room look larger, while others make the room feel smaller.
- Brown has a feeling of comfort and inspires nature.
- White has a feeling of cleanliness, innocence, and happiness.
- Black has a feeling of sophistication and power.
Specific colors are used by interior designers in numerous ways.
- Bring attention to a specific part of a room
- Convey emotions
- Create contrast
- Create connections
- Alter perception of space
Final Thoughts
No matter which you choose, light or dark hardwood flooring, no choice is wrong. Although, each has their own unique benefits. To make the final choice, you should think about what type of homeowner you are, who lives in your home, and how often you want to clean. And of course, don’t forget to consider your own personal preferences, which is the most important factor in deciding which tone is right for you.