Basswood (Tilia americana), also called linden, is a beautiful, fast growing tree reaching heights of 130 feet. It has a straight trunk, with most of the bole limb-free, thereby producing large volumes of clear lumber. The wood is creamy white, low in weight and strength, and without much obvious grain.
There are three commercially used species of basswood in North America: American basswood, Carolina basswood, and white basswood. The wood is so similar that they are not separated in the lumber market. The natural range of American basswood is widespread, ranging from southwestern New Brunswick to eastern North Dakota to North Carolina. Carolina basswood is found in the southeastern United States, from Virginia to Florida, and west to Texas. White basswood is common in the Appalachian Mountains and the Cumberland Plateau region of the eastern United States. There can be potential staining problems if shipping lumber before drying, so it may be prudent to purchase basswood from sawmills and drying facilities in the growth areas.
Due to its freedom from odor and taste, basswood continues to be the preferred wood for apiary (bee hives) supplies and other food containers.
It is also the top choice for wooden Venetian blind slats. Wood carvers also love basswood as its straight grain and low density mean easy cutting. Other “old-time” uses include drafting tables, surveying stakes, tripods, and other related equipment.
In Europe some of the beautiful religious paintings are framed in basswood, which they call lime. There are more than 25 species of basswood in Europe.
Processing suggestions and characteristics
Density. Basswood is one of the lightest weight hardwoods in North America. Its density is about 25 pounds per cubic foot or about 2 pounds per board foot, 1-inch thick. A planed piece 3/4-inch thick at 7 percent MC will weigh under 1-1/2 pounds per BF.
Drying. Basswood dries rapidly with little risk of defect except for possible staining. Because many uses for require long, narrow, thin cuttings that must be flat, special attention must be paid to stress relief at the end of drying. Shrinkage is about 7 percent.
Gluing and machining. Gluing is excellent, with the wood’s softness making it very forgiving. Very low MCs and low density mean that pressure needs to applied ASAP after the glue is spread, or a starved joint is likely. Basswood machines very well if tools are sharp.
Stability. Basswood changes size by 1 percent if the moisture changes by 3 percent MC. This is a higher rate of change than many hardwoods, but basswood’s straight grain minimizes any warping that could occur if the moisture changes.
Strength. The strength (MOR) of basswood is 8700 psi, which is quite low. Likewise, the stiffness is somewhat low, 1.46 million psi,. The hardness is 410 pounds.
Color and grain. The creamy white heartwood and sapwood are so similar in appearance that it can be hard to tell them apart. The texture is very fine, and the grain is indistinct. Due to variations in color from region to region, and possible staining, a contract should specify the color required to prevent any off-color material.
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