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Oregon Myrtle (a.k.a. California Laurel)

Oregon myrtle, often just called myrtle wood, also known as California laurel (Umbellularia californica), is the most expensive wood in North America. The wood, especially the burls, has exquisite grain and color, especially if the logs were submerged for a while before processing.

Colors can range from light brown to dark brown to gray with creamy, gold, silvery, green, and purplish hues. The wood is therefore prized for curios, as well as furniture. Stringed instrument makers (Technical name: luthiers) find that this wood also produces excellent sound in a guitar and violin. In 1869 the golden spike connecting the transcontinental railroad tracks un Utah was driven into the myrtle wood tie.

Myrtle is found only along the Pacific Coast from Southern Oregon south through California. The trees can grow up to 80 feet and can be up to 3 feet in diameter. Although it is a hardwood (that is, it has broad leaves), it is also an evergreen. Myrtle wood trees are harvested and sawn into lumber, but another source for small quantities of the wood is driftwood found on the Oregon beaches.

The leaves of this tree, when crushed, emit a strong odor. “The foliage, when bruised, gives out a most powerful, camphor-like scent. I have been obliged to remove from under its shade, the odor being so strong as to occasion violent sneezing,” wrote English botanical explorer David Douglas in 1826.

The oil that these leaves produce has been used for treating headaches, colic, diarrhea and meningitis. On the other hand, some people report getting a headache after smelling this odor for several hours. No special concern about the woods dust has been reported however. There is a slight aroma to the dried wood.

Special note: The myrtle wood mentioned in the Bible in Isaiah is Myrtus communis, a different tree (genus and species) altogether.


Processing Suggestions and Characteristics


Although weighing over 50 pounds per cubic foot when first sawn, the wood, after drying to 7 percent MC, has a specific gravity of 0.57 or a density of 37 pounds per cubic foot. This is equivalent to 3 pounds per board foot, about as heavy as soft maple.



Oregon myrtle is tricky to dry without checking and warping. Very slow drying (slower than white oak) actually enhances the colors.

Shrinkage is drying is about 7 percent in the tangential direction (across the width of lumber in a flatsawn piece) and 2 percent in the radial direction (thickness of flatsawn lumber). This large difference between radial and tangential means a very high tendency to cup in flatsawn pieces of lumber sawn from near the center of the tree. The swirly grain also means a high risk of warping.


Gluing and Machining

Myrtle glues very easily and well.

Turners favor myrtle because of its tighter grain and ease of sanding. The swirly grain, however, will result in some tear-out when machining. The wood polishes very nicely with little effort.



The swirly grain, as well as the high tangential to radial shrinkage difference, means that some warping can be expected when the MC changes substantially. Otherwise, the wood is fairly stable.



Myrtle is considerably weaker than oak. The strength (MOR) of myrtle is 8000 psi, the stiffness (MOE) is 0.95 million psi, and hardness is 1270 pounds. For comparison, red oak has an MOE of 14,000 psi, MOE of 1.8 million psi and hardness of 1300 pounds.

Screws, staples and nails have reasonably good holding power.


Color and Grain

The key to developing premium color is how the wood is handled before it is dried. What is normally considered poor handling for hardwood logs and lumber will, with myrtle, develop outstanding colors and grain patterns. The tree also naturally has a lot of swirls in the grain. It is no wonder that this wood is often claimed as one of the finest woodworking species in North America.

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Ways To Spruce Up Your Bedroom – For Free!

Maybe it’s time your bedroom deserved a makeover, but you just can’t bring yourself to pay for a brand new interior or even new furniture! There are certainly ways you can fresh up your bedroom without having to spend a penny or very little! Here’s a few tips to get you started…

If you’re creative and into your D.I.Y, then making your own headboard is a really enjoyable and free way of incorporating your style into your bedroom. A wood headboard is always a classy look, or upholstery for something a little more personal and homely. You can even use left over wood flooring to create your new headboard – the best part is that wood is classy and goes with every interior style!

We’d always recommend introducing a rug into your bedroom, even if it’s just for comfort. But there’s no reason you can’t have a bit of fun with a new rug, go for something that’s going to add character! Not only do rugs help with insulation but add warmth and comfort to your room, after all the bedroom needs to be the most comforting room in the home! This is your chance to really show off your style with a rug – even make your own! Rag rugs are fantastic and the best part is you can make them yourself and choose whatever colours you want – they’ll really brighten up your room! A fluffy rug will really add to the contemporary look or a wicker rug for a rustic feel.

Pictures on the wall is another great way of personalising your bedroom and adding that desirable individuality, colour and and feel. You don’t even need to bother with frames, arranging them in shapes and patterns can work just as well.

Fairy lights…you can’t beat them! They cost next to nothing and will really give your room that special glow (pardon the pun). They’re famous for making your room feel cosy and once more they come in so many colours as well as different shapes and sizes. Why wouldn’t you?

This might sound obvious but rearranging your furniture can make your bedroom feel like a totally different place! We all get bored of our surroundings and need to spice things up and this is a totally free way to make your room feel fresh! Have a look at what furniture you have in other rooms, it might be that there’s something perfect for your bedroom that’s from another room!

De-clutter! There’s nothing more therapeutic than getting rid of old clutter and things you’ve not used in years. The saying ‘less is more’ couldn’t be more true when it comes to the interior. Clutter builds up naturally in our homes, so avoid anything unnecessary! Remove old ornaments that take up surface space, clear out your out of season clothes and ones that don’t fit.

Wall hangings – our favourite!  They’re really in right now and will bring your room to life! They cost next to nothing and usually cover a large space, perfect if your wall is a bit grubby or could do with a paint! The best thing is you only need one, an instant way of giving your bedroom extra charisma.

Have Your Say

Do you have any tips on the bedroom to share with us? Let us know in the comments below!

Remember to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest news and discussions. We’re always finding new ways to improve our stock, so keep up to date!

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Give Your Home The Wow Factor

With things slowly getting back to normal and restrictions being lifted one at a time, you’ll be looking forward to welcoming your friends and family back into your home. They’ll be bound to notice you’ve wrung the changes in your house and this is the perfect opportunity to wow your guests with a fabulous new floor. Let’s have a look at some of the flooring options that really give that wow factor.

Solid Wood

It’s no secret that solid wood is probably the most exquisite and stylish choice of flooring available. From authentic charm to modern charisma, solid wood never goes out of fashion and is likely to out live even you! Once more, it comes in so many variations of wood types, colours finished and plank arrangements that there’s always something for everyone’s tastes and preferences. If you’re looking for a modern fresh appeal, then a honey toned oak in a medium grade will work wonders. Alternatively, if you’re a fan of a more traditional grand look, then dark walnut wood will fit right in. Not only does solid wood look glamorous, but has incredible durability and is likely to last a lifetime, you certainly wont need to replace it in your life time! You can also sand it down and refinish it if damage does occur, which can be done a number of times depending on its thickness. However this should not normally need to be done for the first 15-20 years, so you can only imagine how many years of use you’re going to get out of your stunning new floors!

Herringbone Wood

Although herringbone wood is just a branch of wood flooring, it’s popularity has meant it’s become a name in its self. Herringbone is often associated with affluent homes and will really make your room pop, it’s the ideal choice if you’re dead set on giving the wow factor! It will add dimension and character to your space and create a whole new luxurious look to your home. Herringbone also suits all sorts of interiors, whether a rustic or contemporary look is your style, it’ll create the perfect backdrop to any setting. The many planks in herringbone makes for a gorgeous colour variation – we can guarantee that you’ll love itPainswick Lavish Oak 80 x 350 x 20/6mm

Luxury Vinyl Tiles

Although ‘vinyl’ is a bit of a taboo in the flooring world, you need to forget about the cheap outdated vinyl sheets of the 1970s. It’s been modernised to create the highly sophisticated and fabulous luxury vinyl tiles of today, they’re in a totally different ball park! With so many of us lusting after the desirable look of real wood but not wanting to splash out on it, it’s no surprise that LVT is so popular. It comes in such realistic impressions of natural products like wood and stone, that often it’s near enough impossible to tell them apart! Your guests wont even believe it’s not real and they’ll soon be dying to lay it in their own homes. It’s benefits don’t stop there either – not only is it cheaper than natural materials, but also boasts much easier maintenance such as being water, scratch and stain proof. It is also very easy to keep clean and you don’t need to bother purchasing specialist floor cleaners with LVT. Why wouldn’t you?

These are our recommendations for your new flooring project, but of course it’s up to you! Check out our products and see if you can get the flooring you’ve always dreamed of ready for when we can see our loved ones again.

Have Your Say

Do you have any flooring favourites? Let us know in the comments below!

Remember to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest news and discussions. We’re always finding new ways to improve our stock, so keep up to date!

The image features our: Painswick Lavish Oak (PAR219).

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Ways To Modernise Your Home’s Look

Letting a home become dated not only takes away from the home’s overall visual appeal, but can also mean that you encounter maintenance problems such as: a leaking roof, mould and peeling paint. Home’s need a lot of attention and money invested into them to keep them liveable and if you’re going to spend your savings on doing up your home, you want to make sure you’re getting it right first time. Modernising things can improve quality of life, save you money on certain bills and increase the selling value of the home. So, let’s have a look at some tips to get you started…

Think About Flooring

When we think of a fresh modern interior, we don’t think of tired and ugly carpet from the 1980’s. Instead, we’d recommend real wood, laminate or Luxury Vinyl Tiles as better options. Not only do these give the fresh modern appeal but are also a lot more durable and easier to maintain than carpet. If you really want to go all out, then solid or engineered wood are fantastic choices. Wood flooring is known for its luxurious premise and will give your home real extra character. Although wood flooring has been around for centuries, its popularity is as high as it’s ever been and will certainly give your home the ultra-modern look. Once more, wood flooring is very popular with buyers and circulates heat, therefore perfect for reducing your heating bills.

Focus On The Kitchen 

Often known as the heart of the home, a place for us to congregate after a long day, entertain our guests and prepare the Christmas lunch. We’d say that if you are going to do up one room, make it the kitchen! Adding marble countertops gives a sleek look and works well with pretty much all interior themes. Glass cabinets work very well, not only practical as you can see what’s in them but look very luxurious. An island counter always works well and is often associated with high end homes, as well as extra storage!

Update Windows

Natural light is always more desirable than artificial. Increasing natural light can be done by installing larger or more windows. Old windows can be letting the heat out or cold in and therefore increasing your heating bills by more than you’d think, therefore even if you do spend a lot installing modern windows they can often end up paying for themselves. If you don’t want to change the windows, repaint the frames and get them properly cleaned – this can often feel like you’ve got completely new windows.

Consider Furniture

Like anything, furniture makes a house a home. Although not cheap by any means, getting new furniture can give you the ultra-modern look you’ve been after. Doing all the renovations in the world will count for nothing unless you have furniture to match. You want to go for a sleek contrast, this will add character and keep things interesting.

Have Your Say

Do you have any tips to share with us on updating your interior? Let us know in the comments section below!

Remember to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest news and discussions. We’re always finding new ways to improve our stock, so keep up to date!

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Interior Design Tips for First Time Home Owners

For most of us, buying our first home is one of the biggest milestones in our lives. As well as it being a very exciting time, it is also very stressful and can be a worrying process. A big part of the journey is how we’re going to decorate and make our new place feel like home. Before we get fully moved in, many of us have a vision of how we want our home to look by the end. However, when it comes to interior, two things can get in our way: time and money. A lot of the time our ideal décor is not realistic, and we have to make sacrifices. Here are some tips to follow if you’re a first-time home owner…


  1. Keep Things Simple

You know the saying ‘less is more’ well it couldn’t be more relevant with your interior. Don’t think that you need to fill every corner with ornaments and all sorts. As you’re probably already aware, clutter builds up naturally so the less you make on purpose the better. This is especially true when you’re wanting to get that fresh contemporary look, it’s all about clean spaces. Be minimal in your approach, go for neutral flooring, walls and furniture. You might want to add a bit more character or move things around in a few years’ time, but by starting off with a blank canvas is the best way to go!


  1. Make a Plan

Although decorating is all about winging it to a certain extent, it’s always a good to have some idea on how you want it to look even if it’s not completely ridged. No major project should be embarked upon without some sort of plan and things will feel less stressful if you go into it with some idea!

A good place to start is by picking a colour and interior theme, for example decide whether you’re going down the rustic or modern route. You don’t want to fall in love with a gorgeous parquet wood to then find out that it doesn’t complement the theme you’ve gone for! Don’t think you have to be overly strict either, not everything has to be completely perfect but having some idea makes things less daunting!


  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Professional Advice

Sometimes, we all need to ask for help when it comes to areas that aren’t our strong points. If it’s your first home, then it’s likely you’re not going to have all the answers and experience when it comes to doing up your new home. If you’re finding it hard to execute or even imagine your ideas working, it’s not a bad idea to hire an interior designer who can make your vision come to life and give you extra inspiration. Although this may come at a cost, it’s better than going in and spending money with no real guarantee that it’ll work.

Although these tips might sound obvious, a lot of us get so carried away with excitement when we get our new home (understandable!) that we often make rash decisions without thinking things through. Take your time, it’s likely your home will be your most expensive asset so spend some time getting it perfect.

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Persimmon or possum wood

Common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) got its Latin name from the wonderful fruit it produces…the name is from the Greek god Zeus and means “fruit of the gods.”

Caution: It is only after the first frost that the fruit (orange colored) is tasty; earlier-picked fruits will really pucker your lips! It is one of two species in the U.S. in the ebony family. The tree itself is not real common, so sources of this wood will require some effort; smaller mills often have some persimmon logs. Its properties, however, make the search worthwhile.

Persimmon wood is very tough and very hard, and is especially noted for its ability to retain a smooth surface (smooth and a high polish appearance) even after long usage. The desirable wood of persimmon is the sapwood, which is white in color in the tree but turns to a grayish brown color when exposed to air.

Persimmon sapwood was the preferred wood for spinning bobbins, weaving shuttles, and thread spools. It was often used for pool and billiard cues. But the most important use was for golf club heads. Today, we might find this a good wood for strong handles, or for uses where distinctiveness is a key factor.

The heartwood, which is found in small amounts only in older trees, is dark brown to black, and is not what most users are looking for. However, the heartwood is an excellent substitute for ebony. (Although the wood looks like black locust, it does not fluoresce under black light.)

Processing Suggestions And Characteristics

Density. Persimmon has a density of approximately 50 pounds per cubic foot when dry, which is heavier than almost all other North American species, except for several of the true hickories and live oak. When green, the lumber weighs over 7 pounds per board foot; when kiln dried, the lumber weighs a little over 4 pounds per board foot at 7 percent MC.

Drying and Stability. Persimmon is difficult to dry as it is prone to surface checking. If 4/4 through 6/4 lumber is treated like it is 8/4 white oak, then it can be dried without much trouble. Lumber 8/4 and thicker will require slow shed drying for 6 months or longer before it can be put into the kiln.

Overall, persimmon has very high shrinkage, 9 percent shrinkage from green to 6 percent MC. This is more shrinkage than in oak (7.8 percent) and other common hardwood species (6 to 7 percent)!

To achieve the whitest color, for many years a golf club head manufacturer used rapid radio frequency drying.

Shrinkage and swelling in use are common when the MC changes. For this reason, most uses of persimmon are for products, such as dowels, that would not become defective if there is a small size change.

Gluing and Machining. As might be expected with such a dense species, the wood does not glue easily. In other words, the species requires everything to be perfect, MCs, flatness, pressure, and so on. Gluing surfaces should be machined and glued within 15 minutes.

Machining is also difficult due to the density. Tools must be very sharp. High speed steel is probably a better choice than carbide, even though frequent sharpening is required. Nonetheless, once machined properly, the surface is excellent.

Strength. Persimmon is very strong, stiffer and stronger than all common hardwood species, except hickory. The strength (MOR) at 12 percent MC is nearly 18,000 psi. The stiffness (MOE) is 2 million psi hardness is 2300 pounds; this hardness is outstanding. For comparison, hard maple’s MOR is under 16,000 psi, MOE is 1.83 million psi, and hardness is 1450 pounds.

Color and Grain. Persimmon is mostly sapwood. The sapwood is white when first cut but ages quickly to a grayish brown. The grain is obvious but is not stark or dramatic.

Oftentimes, persimmon turnings are tumbled together (using a large drum at only 3 rpm) as a final polishing treatment. Even without wax added to the tumbler, the surfaces are very smooth and appear polished. Sanding or polishing with very fine sandpaper achieves the same results.

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Freshen Up Your Interior For Under £100

Most of us look to save money where we can, however when it comes to our home décor things are never cheap. Whether that be replacing the flooring, buying new furniture or even installing a whole new kitchen, it’s never a penniless process and we have to accept that we’ll need to cough up. But there are certainly ways you can dramatically improve the look of your home without having to spend a fortune. With the current climate, it looks like we’ll be spending most of our time at home, so turn this crisis to your advantage and see what can be done to freshen up your interior.

Take a Moment to Reflect and Reassess

Once we’ve made up our mind to update and have a change in our homes, many of us get too eager and want to get started straight away, which can lead to rash decisions and end up not doing our home the justice it deserves. If you’re looking to renovate your entire home, before you go out looking at fancy kitchens and bathrooms, make sure all the under-lining jobs are done. This includes the wiring, plumbing, render and making sure that there’s no rot. The last thing you want to do is spend a pretty penny on a gorgeous solid wood floor to then find your entire house needs rewiring and have to rip it all up. Get a survey done, talk to builders before you go out buying the snazzy parts, get the boring stuff right first!

However, if you’re just looking to change things around in your interior and a renovation isn’t what you’re looking at, then before you buy any new furniture think about furniture you’ve already got. It might be that there’s a cupboard from the dining room that would work perfectly in the living room. Even repositioning furniture can end up feeling like a big refreshing change all without spending a penny.


It would be silly of us not to mention painting, as it’s usually the first thing you think of when you’re looking to redecorate. A new coat or even just a lick of paint is the perfect way to instantly lift any interior and the best part is that it costs hardly anything at all. Why not be bold and go for a different colour to the one that’s already there, after all if you’re going to go to all that effort to paint you may as well have a change!

Don’t think that paint is just restricted to walls and ceilings either. Instead of purchasing new furniture, have a go at painting over old tired furniture and it gives you the freedom to have any colour your like.

Think Carefully About the Little Things

It’s all very well having new floors and freshly painted walls, but an interior is nothing without its soft furnishings that give it that character that makes it personal. If you’re not in the mood to be splashing out on new beds, sofas or any kind of expensive furniture then consider purchasing new throws, cushions and ornaments. A cheap, easy and quick way of adding charisma and style into your room.

Don’t Hold Back with Artwork

Any style interior, whether that be contemporary or traditional welcomes artwork. If you’ve got a room that looks a bit bare and you’re stuck on how to jazz it up, then paintings are always a good bet. The price of artwork massively depends, you can choose to spend a lot in art galleries or you can go down to your local charity shop and pick one up for hardly anything at all. If you have kids, then frame their paintings and drawings – you’ll make them feel very special and kid’s paintings are perfect for adding colour to your room! Family photos work well too and you can even get them blown up into a big canvas.

Have Your Say

Do you have tips to share with us on how to do up a home on a budget? Leave a comment in the section below!

Remember to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest news and discussions. We’re always finding new ways to improve our stock, so keep up to date!

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A History of Flooring

If you’re familiar with flooring, then you’ll be all too aware that options such as hardwood are often described as ‘timeless’ or ‘classical’. A lot of the time, this is used to make it sound appealing when really, it’s completely true if you’re looking at it from a historical angle. So what flooring did our ancestors really walk on? If you’re a big fan of history and are looking at purchasing your next floor, then read on.

 The Very First Floors

This article would be pointless unless we mentioned the very first floors that ever existed but it’s not as exciting as you might think – the very first floors were actually the ground itself. In most cases, the floors of huts were complete mud and straw, or planks of wood placed down if you were lucky. A far cry from the luxurious oiled wood floors we’re used to today right? You also have to remember that our ancestors shared their huts with their animals and all sorts being left on the floor, which would then get trodden down and make the surface as hard as concrete.

In hotter climates like the tribal people in America, sand was a common practise. Although not the most pleasant thing to have as flooring, it would collect waste and absorb moisture, eventually resulting in a mucky clump which would get swept away and replaced with a fresh layer. Another common practise was to use shells and seeds as a protective layer. Pretty but we’d still rather have laminate!

Stone’s Vast History

With stone being use for structure and tools by humans since the beginning of time, it’s no surprise that it was made use of for floors too. There’s plenty of evidence that the Romans used it in their bath houses, to medieval castles and lots of use in the Dark Ages. This then developed into colourful stones such as mosaics that are still used today. Marble was another common material too, often used a symbol of wealth and prestige.

If you’re into your ancient history, then you’ll likely know that the Romans were very sophisticated and advanced for their time and a lot of their inventions are still used to this day. They took stone flooring to a whole new level and created a floor that was heated from below and thus underfloor heating was born. This was made so that the tiles were propped up to make a gap between the surfaces of the floor, so that the heat was able to fill this gap. This abstract invention was used only in homes of the wealthy and communal buildings and is still seen as a luxury today.

Wood Flooring

Moving on from ancient times, wood flooring has an extensive history too. A beautiful and classical choice, we can’t ever see wood flooring going out of fashion any time soon. Although wood flooring has always been popular, sales have soared in the last decade or so and is probably the most fashionable choice at the moment. With the world becoming increasingly more modern, perhaps we’re looking for a taste of something from a bygone era. Not only this, but wood is incredible durable and is likely to last longer than a life-time. Many Victorian and Edwardian homes still have the original wood flooring!

Wood flooring’s origin can be traced back to the 15th century, with a lot of old palaces and manor houses boasting wood that was laid when the building was built. Parquet and herringbone are often associated in old houses, with many of us enjoying its luxurious and interesting pattern in our homes today.

What About the Floors of Today?

Modern flooring consists of mainly Luxury Vinyl Tiles, laminate and cork. With technology advancing every minute, who knows what flooring materials could emerge in the future?

Have Your Say

Do you have any knowledge of the history of flooring? Let us know in the comments down below!

Remember to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest news and discussions. We’re always finding new ways to improve our stock, so keep up to date!

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Lockdown Flooring Projects Directly From Our Customers

Although times are tough at the minute and many things are a struggle, our wonderful customers have shared with us their flooring projects! Although our lives are very redistricted at the moment, there’s lots of updates and projects you can do around your home to keep yourself busy, so why not consider a new floor? Here are some of our products in action in our lovely customer’s own homes!

First up is our Elgin Latte Oak (EO5018) what great taste! We love this product because of its gorgeous rustic and authentic look while still showing off modern style and sophistication. They said: “The downstairs flooring started going down today. So excited to see how it looks in the living room, dining room and extension! We were so happy with the quality and look of the floor. Looks great, we can’t wait to see the finished product.”

Next is the very popular Thorpe Prime Oak Herringbone (PAR210). If you’re really looking to give the wow factor to visitors and are keen on a traditional style interior, then this product is for you. Despite its old-fashioned reputation, herringbone wood is actually at the height of fashion at the moment and this picture certainly shows off its fabulous chic look. They said: “Parquet in progress! We decided to go for larger oak blocks in a lovely herringbone pattern. Definitely go heavy traffic if you have pets!”

Now we’ve got Studley Frost Oak (EO2016). This is a little different to the ones we’ve mentioned previously, as it offers a much fresher and more mutual appearance, due to the minimal knots and gorgeous neutral colour. It’ll therefore work well with any style interior and you won’t need to worry if you do decide to redecorate! They said: “The first of our floors went down this week. We ended up going with an engineered wood for the kitchen, it’s brushed and oiled oak which will work perfectly for everything else we’ve got planned in here.”


We love the way our floorings look in our customer’s homes and thankful to everyone who shared their renovations with us! The best way to improve your mood and make things a little more bearable during these troubled times is to get your home beautiful. After all you’ll be spending a lot of time there and it’s the perfect opportunity to purchase that floor you’ve always wanted!

Have Your Say

Have you got any lockdown projects to share with us? Let us know in the comments below!

Remember to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for the latest news and discussions. We’re always finding new ways to improve our stock, so keep up to date!

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Summertime Flooring Trends

The season most of us have been waiting for…summer! It’s easy to see why it’s the most popular season, where the weather gets warmer and life gets easier – with sun, festivals, holidays and plenty of social events to look forward to, it’s not surprising we all rave about it so much! Along with a new season comes a change in fashion and flooring is no exception. Let’s dive into what’s looking hot in the flooring world this summer and how you can get ahead of the interior style.

Changing the flooring in your home is the perfect way to create a whole new look to your home. The flooring can either make or break a room, so it’s important to get it right and it’s a great place to start! Here are our favourite trends of summer 2020…

Grey Wood

Here at Luxury Flooring, we’ve always been a fan of grey and wood flooring and are so excited to see that both of them together are hot this summer! Grey is a very fashionable colour at the moment, in both clothing and interior due to its neutral, sophisticated yet timeless appeal. Grey complements nearly everything and is enough colour to make a statement without being too loud. For those of you who enjoy a rustic grade wood, then you’re in luck when it comes to grey. The wood’s natural imperfections of knots and grains show up beautifully on grey and will really present that gorgeous natural look. One of the best things about grey wood is that there’s so much choice, whether a lighter more contemporary colour is more to your taste, or a darker traditional look – it looks fantastic whatever the shade. If you’re really wanting to show off your taste and fashion sense, grey herringbone is all the rage right now, presenting the perfect mix between contemporary and traditional…

Walnut WoodMalham Thunder Oak 190 x 15/4mm Click

A daring choice but a fabulous one at that. Walnut wood presents its own unique beauty that you just don’t get in other wood flooring types. Its richness is faultless for those wanting to add a touch of class and something from a bygone era to their home. Dark walnut is ideal for bringing proportion to larger spaces and will create the perfect backdrop for a traditionally styled room. Don’t think that a walnut wood floor will make your home look too classical, its clean-cut premise with minimal knots and grains makes for a stunning contemporary feel too. Its advantages are endless!

Luxury Vinyl Tiles

It’s no secret that we think LVT is the best thing since sliced bread. Forget the ugly, cheap outdated lino vinyl from the 1970s, it has been revolutionised to create the highly sophisticated Luxury Vinyl Tiles of today. Perhaps the best quality of LVT is how practical and durable it is with virtually no maintenance needed to keep it in mint condition. It is scratch, stain and water proof and will last a long time looking as good as the day it was installed even with lots of foot traffic. Its benefits don’t stop there – with so many of us lusting after real wood but being put off by its price tag, LVT is here to save the day. LVT presents the glory of natural products such as wood and stone so well that often it’s impossible to tell them apart – all this at a much more affordable price. What’s not to like? Once more, LVT’s popularity is growing and it’s emerged as one of the hottest flooring choices right now and we can’t see it going out any time soon.

Have Your Say

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The image features our: Malham Thunder Oak (EC3190),

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