Month: July 2023

Species Profile: Ash Hardwood

Ash hardwood is a popular choice among homeowners and interior designers for its exceptional beauty, versatility, and durability. This attractive wood species has been used in various applications for centuries, and its unique characteristics make it stand out among other hardwood options. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Ash hardwood, exploring its color variations, grading options, durability, staining potential, stability, and why it remains a top choice for flooring and furniture.


Ash hardwood is known for its light to medium hues, ranging from creamy white to pale yellow-brown. The heartwood typically has a light to medium brown color, while the sapwood is nearly white, creating a beautiful contrast that adds dimension to the wood’s appearance. The grain pattern of Ash is generally straight, but it can also exhibit a subtle swirling effect, contributing to its visual appeal.


Ash hardwood comes in various grades, each offering a distinct visual appeal and character to suit different design preferences.

Rustic Grade: Also known as character grade, rustic Ash showcases the wood’s natural charm with prominent knots, mineral streaks, and other unique features. The rustic grade adds a touch of history and nostalgia to any space, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a more vintage or farmhouse-inspired look.

Natural Grade: The natural grade strikes a balance between the pristine appearance of clear grade and the character of rustic grade. It may feature some minor knots and color variations, providing a charming and relaxed ambiance that works well with both modern and traditional interior styles.

Select Grade: Select grade Ash features minimal knots and imperfections, offering a clean and elegant look. It exudes a refined and sophisticated aesthetic, making it a popular choice for contemporary and minimalist design themes.

Premier Grade: Also referred to as clear grade, premier Ash showcases the purest form of the wood with hardly any knots or imperfections. This grade emphasizes the wood’s clean lines and smooth texture, perfect for creating a sleek and luxurious atmosphere in any space.

Each grade of Ash hardwood brings its own unique personality, allowing homeowners and designers to choose the perfect match for their vision and style preferences. Whether it’s the rustic warmth of character grade or the modern allure of clear grade, Ash hardwood is sure to make a lasting impression in any interior setting.


Ash is renowned for its exceptional strength and hardness. Its Janka hardness rating, which measures its resistance to wear and denting, ranges from 1320 to 1320 pounds-force (lbf). This places Ash hardwood above some other popular choices like White Oak and Maple. Its durability makes it an excellent option for high-traffic areas such as hallways, living rooms, and kitchens, as it can withstand the rigors of daily use and still maintain its beauty over time.

Stain & Stability

Ash hardwood is known for its excellent staining properties. It readily absorbs stains and finishes, allowing for a wide range of color possibilities. Whether you prefer a rich, dark stain to highlight its grain pattern or a light, natural finish to maintain its light appearance, Ash can adapt to various design preferences.

In terms of stability, Ash performs admirably, showing minimal shrinkage and warping. This stability makes it a reliable choice for flooring, where exposure to temperature and humidity fluctuations is common. Proper acclimatization and installation will further enhance its dimensional stability and longevity.


Ash hardwood stands as a true testament to the timeless appeal and practicality of natural wood flooring and furniture. Its attractive color variations, sturdy characteristics, and excellent staining potential make it a versatile choice that complements a wide range of interior design styles.

From elegant and modern spaces that showcase the clear grade Ash’s refined beauty to rustic and cozy environments brought to life by the rustic grade Ash’s unique charm, this wood species has something to offer for everyone.

Whether you choose Ash hardwood flooring, cabinetry, or furniture, this remarkable wood species will undoubtedly add a touch of elegance and warmth to any space, creating an inviting ambiance that stands the test of time.

Investing in Ash hardwood is not just an aesthetic decision but also a practical one, as its durability ensures that your flooring or furniture will endure for generations, becoming a cherished part of your home’s history.

So, if you are looking for a hardwood species that boasts both beauty and strength, consider Ash hardwood for your next home improvement project. Its remarkable characteristics and adaptability make it a top contender for creating timeless and captivating spaces that you’ll love for years to come.

From Forest to Flooring: The Journey of Sustainable Hardwood at MacDonald Hardwoods

At MacDonald Hardwoods, we are deeply committed to environmental stewardship, and this commitment is reflected in our journey of sustainable hardwood sourcing. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the responsible forestry practices, certifications, and the process that transforms hardwood from sustainable forests into exquisite flooring products. We’ll also showcase why MacDonald Hardwoods partners with top-quality manufacturers like Lauzon and their Pure Genius® Smart Floor, as well as our dedication to eco-friendly finishes that prioritize the health of our customers and the planet.

Responsible Forestry Practices

For us at MacDonald Hardwoods, the journey of sustainable hardwood begins with a dedication to responsible forestry practices. We carefully select mature trees for harvesting, leaving younger ones to grow and regenerate. By preserving the natural balance in the forest ecosystem, we maintain biodiversity and ensure the long-term health of these vital resources.

Our commitment to responsible forestry extends to proper land management, erosion control, and water protection. These practices not only mitigate deforestation but also help combat climate change by supporting the forests’ role as essential carbon sinks.

Certifications for Sustainability

At MacDonald Hardwoods, we understand the importance of trust and transparency when it comes to sustainability. That’s why we embrace certifications like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which sets the gold standard for responsible forest management. FSC-certified hardwood ensures that our products come from sustainably managed forests that meet stringent environmental, social, and economic criteria.

The FSC chain of custody certification traces the entire journey of our hardwood from the forest to the final product. This ensures that every step of the process, from harvesting to manufacturing, adheres to the highest sustainability standards, providing our customers with the assurance that their choice aligns with their environmental values.

The Journey from Forest to Flooring

After responsibly harvesting the logs, we transport them to our state-of-the-art mills where skilled craftsmen work their magic. With a focus on maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste, we transform raw logs into exquisite hardwood flooring products, including engineered and solid hardwood planks.

Our commitment to environmental health and indoor air quality is exemplified by our partnerships with manufacturers like Lauzon. Through cutting-edge technology, Lauzon’s Pure Genius® Smart Floor improves indoor air quality by reducing airborne allergens and pollutants. By incorporating this innovative finish, we enhance the living spaces of our customers while preserving the natural beauty of the wood.

Ultra Low VOC Finishes

At MacDonald Hardwoods, we take great pride in offering not only durable and scratch-resistant hardwood floors but also eco-friendly finishes. We understand the potential harm of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their impact on indoor air quality. That’s why we prioritize ultra low VOC finishes in our hardwood collections.

Our dedication to eco-friendly finishes ensures that our products not only meet the highest standards of quality and durability but also promote a healthier living environment for our customers. With each purchase, our customers can enjoy the beauty of their hardwood floors while being confident in their contribution to a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle.


The journey of sustainable hardwood at MacDonald Hardwoods is grounded in a deep sense of responsibility towards our planet. From the forests to the final flooring products, we strive to make environmentally conscious choices at every step. Our partnerships with top-quality manufacturers like Lauzon and their Pure Genius® Smart Floor reflect our shared commitment to sustainability and innovation.

When you choose MacDonald Hardwoods, you choose more than just beautiful and durable hardwood flooring. You choose a company that values ethical and sustainable practices, that takes pride in preserving our natural resources, and that prioritizes the well-being of our customers and the planet. By selecting our hardwood products, you are making an eco-friendly choice that contributes to a greener world and a brighter future for generations to come. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards sustainable living, one floor at a time. Contact us for any of your hardwood flooring needs!

How to Maintain Your Laminate Flooring

There are plenty of reasons why laminate flooring is so popular amongst modern homeowners.

Since its creation in the late 1970s, laminate has gone from strength to strength, promising attractive designs, high tolerance to footfall, and minimal costs.

Additionally, laminate flooring is renowned for being low maintenance. No matter how many accidents you have around the house, there will be a quick and easy cleaning solution. But if you want to retain the gorgeous appearance of your boards, there are a few things worth bearing in mind. Here’s our ultimate guide to maintaining your laminate flooring.

Equipment List

Before you get started, ensure you have the right tools and equipment.

Most of these are everyday items you’ll already have around the house, but just in case you don’t, here’s our quick list

• Sweeping Brush
• Dust Pan and Brush
• Vacuum Cleaner
• Microfiber Mop
• Dedicated Laminate Floor Cleaner
• Bucket
• Floor Cloth
• Acetone

Alternatively, you can pick up one of our purpose-built cleaning kits. These are guaranteed to provide the best results, no matter where your laminate is. Now you’re all ready to get cleaning!

Sweeping and Vacuuming

Homes are for living in, so it’s inevitable that your laminate flooring will get dirty at times. While laminate doesn’t harbour excessive dust and debris, a daily sweep or vacuum will help keep floors in optimum condition.

Be sure to use a soft brush or vacuum attachment as hard bristles may scratch the laminate finish, causing it to lose its shine. Additionally, large debris, such as stones and grit, should be removed by hand, as using a brush will cause further abrasion.

person vacuuming


Laminate flooring is naturally water-resistant. However, excessive moisture may damage even your waterproof laminate, causing movement or delamination. Therefore, you should use a dry cloth or microfiber mop.

When removing large-scale grime, use as little moisture as possible. Do not use a standard mop or steam cleaner on your laminate boards, as this will cause swelling.

Add the dedicated cleaner to your laminate floor mop, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not use soap detergent, ammonia, or chlorinated cleaning products. 

After applying the cleaning solution, mop along the grain to reduce the appearance of streaks. Remember to dry your laminate quickly after cleaning, this will not only protect against warping and shrinkage but also ensure that your boards look great!

mop and bucket

Heavy-Duty Cleaning

Sometimes, more drastic action is required to clean your laminate flooring. If you accidentally scuff your boards, don’t panic! Marks from scuffs, slips and spills can be quickly and easily sorted.

Apply your cleaning solution to a dry cloth and rub the scuff marks firmly and thoroughly to safely restore your boards to their pristine condition.

For hard-set grime, such as chewing gum or candle wax, you may need a little extra help. Try using ice to harden the spot, and simply scrape off using a soft plastic scraper or credit card to prevent further scratches. Finish by wiping clean with your microfiber mop or cloth. All fixed!

yellow cloth wiping mess up on floor

Removing Stains

Stains are a homeowner’s worst nightmare! However, don’t stress too much about spilling on your laminate, not only are these floors naturally stain resistant, but they are also easy to lift marks from.

If you manage to stain your boards, you can rest assured that it’s an easy fix. If the stain was caused by food or beverages, you can start by removing any surrounding debris. Do this as soon as the accident happens to minimise any damages. 

As with scuff marks, thoroughly wipe the stain with a dry cloth, before cleaning with your microfiber mop and cleaning solution. For more tough stains like lipstick, paint or ink – we have a handy guide to help.

coffee split on floor

Get in Touch

Have any questions or need a little help floating your floor? Contact us today, our friendly flooring experts are always happy to share their wisdom!

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts #MyLuxuryFloor. We’d love to see how your beautiful new floor has transformed your home!

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What is a Floating Floor?

When it comes to updating your flooring, you might be a little lost when learning some of the terminology. While you may have come across the term ‘floating floor’, you may still, understandably, be at a loss for what this means. We’ve written this blog to give you some clarity so you can feel confident in your home renovations.

Simply put, a floating floor is an installation method; individual floor planks or tiles are not directly attached to the subfloor but are instead joined together to form a surface that ‘floats’ above it.

This is a popular method if you’re a keen DIY-er because it means you will likely be able to install this floor yourself without hiring a specialist or a joiner to do the job for you, which has the added benefit of providing a little relief on the wallet.

What Flooring Types Can Be Used With a Floating Floor?

Typically, floating floors are used with engineered or laminate products. Floating floors are installed on top of an underlay which, along with the locking mechanism of the floor, keeps the floor stable.

Some flooring cannot be floated, for example, solid wood flooring. This is because it’s more susceptible to changes and movement and must be securely fixed to the subfloor.

What are the Advantages of a Floating Floor?

  1. Easy installation: Floating floors offer a simple installation process, which makes them popular among DIY enthusiasts. They also require fewer tools and are less time-consuming than other methods of installation.
  2. Versatility: They can be installed over various existing flooring surfaces such as concrete, plywood or vinyl.
  3. Enhanced stability: The ‘floating’ nature of these floors allows them to expand and contract with changes in temperature and humidity. Providing minimised risk of warping or buckling that can occur in other flooring types.
  4. Noise reduction: The underlay used in floating floors can provide sound insulation, limiting noise transmission between floors.
  5. Cost-effective: Floating floors are often more affordable than solid wood flooring or stone, which can provide a more budget-friendly alternative without compromising on aesthetics.

What are the Disadvantages of a Floating Floor?

  1. Suitability: Not all flooring surfaces will be compatible with floating floors, such as solid wood flooring. You should always check our product information for recommended installation methods.
  2. Precision: Some flooring types, such as parquet and luxury vinyl tiles, require a certain level of precision and tighter joining techniques that can’t be achieved with a floating floor.
  3. Subfloor: You can’t lay a floating floor directly onto joists, as it must be laid on a solid, flat surface.

How to install a floating floor

One of the main reasons this installation method is so popular is that it is a straightforward process that doesn’t require extensive expertise or specialised tools. It is installed by laying down an underlay under the subfloor and simply clicking the planks or tiles together over the top.

If you require further information or assistance on how to install a floor using the floating method, you can call one of our team for more information.

Get in Touch

Have any questions or need a little help floating your floor? Contact us today, our friendly flooring experts are always happy to share their wisdom!

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts #MyLuxuryFloor. We’d love to see how your beautiful new floor has transformed your home!

The post What is a Floating Floor? appeared first on Blog & Advice Centre – Luxury Flooring & Furnishings.

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