Making a Small Room Look Bigger – Expert Tips
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could wave a magic wand and add a couple more square inches here or there? We have compiled tips from experts on interior design, flooring, and color theory to do just that! We’re covering the top 3 methods you can use to maximize your small space and optimize your home, ultimately making your small room look bigger.
Declutter Your Space
The minimalist lifestyle is continuing to get traction among homeowners. Even just a few trinkets can really make your home feel crowded when working with a small space. Some of us just can’t help it! We love stopping by quaint little shops for delightful trinkets and antiques. But, small, cramped rooms don’t have to stop your passion for collecting.

Pick a few of your favorite pieces to have on display, and then create a space to put the rest of your collection in a safe spot, out of sight. The key is to keep your home feeling fresh. Rotate your favorites every month or seasonally.
Donate gently used pieces to your local shelter, church, or community program. Before deciding what to give away, go to the front of your room and take a look at the placement of your furniture. Are there any pieces that are obstructing your view? Move them!
You’ll find you can really make the most of your space when you shift large pieces away from walkways or doorways. Swap out tall pieces for shorter stylish options like an ottoman or low table. Your remaining tall pieces actually work best when they are positioned alongside the walls rather than in the middle of the room.
For big pieces and large hauls, plan ahead! Give the business you’d wish to donate to a call and see if they accept large pieces before dropping them off. Sometimes they’ll even give you an extra hand. If you don’t have a way of transporting your donations to the location, they’ll arrange for a truck and movers to pick up your donation right at your doorstep. That way you don’t have to bug your friends on a weekend or pay out of pocket for a truck rental service and moving company.
Update Your Flooring
How many walls does your room have? Most people would say four, but the experts say 6. Why? The flooring and ceiling can dramatically impact the look at feel of any room. Dark wood has a very rich aurora and can feel regal and romantic, but it also can swallow up your space. Matching woods can be tricky. Sometimes the colors may not exactly match up due to staining or natural process. Swap dark-colored flooring for much lighter choices, like light oak or maple hardwood flooring; they tend to be the most popular choices for homes.

Is there such a thing as too light? There’s a common misconception that white flooring is harder to maintain. Most homeowners find the exact opposite. They find that dust is much easier to hide. Well, that ultimately depends on you; just be aware of the care and maintenance.
Let’s say you’re redecorating your kitchen. We suggest light cabinets paired with light flooring. If your kitchen cabinets are already dark wood, use a lighter finish to run adjacent to the woodwork.
Ultimately, if you do decide to choose a darker wood finish, trust us! You don’t want to select anything more narrow than 8” wide. Having wider boards means that there will be fewer visible seams and provide more balance for smaller rooms. Lucite and glass furniture typically is super modern, and it’s also a popular design choice for homes. Transparent furniture simply takes up less visual space. You can switch your dark wood kitchen table for a translucent set of chairs to create the illusion of more space.
Switch Up Your Color Scheme
When it comes to small spaces, less is more. Small spaces are not ideal for going “color crazy.” Experts say to stick to a cool light colors monochromatic color scheme. We based our small room design concepts on color theory.

The color wheel essentially categorized colors as either warm or cool. Think about the colors in nature, like the green in plants, the blue hues in water and the sky; these are all considered cool and calming. When you enter a room with cool colors, it’s almost like they recede away and open up the space. We suggest starting with a shade like white, gray, taupe, or beige; pick a cool neutral shade. It will be much easier to match your furniture and floor if they all remain neutral.
Our bedrooms should be our safe space to relax and unwind; no matter how small it is, we can still visually expand the space. For instance, keep the walls in the bedroom a creamy white color, and pick bed linens that are also neutral with light pops of color like a soft, warm yellow. Deep purples, like eggplant, can be used for the throw pillows and other accents to highlight and balance your space so it feels larger.
Use light and inviting hues that are all in the same family. For example, ideally, the more light we can let into a room, the better. Yet, we know sometimes leaving windows completely uncovered isn’t really an option.
We love the way sheer curtains transform spaces. You can also pick light floor-to-ceiling drapes that match your walls to make the room look larger. There is something about long lines that play tricks on our eyes. Stripes are the perfect interior design trick for small spaces. It actually doesn’t even matter what width you use; either thicker or narrow stripes make walls seem longer and taller! Horizontal stripes are also an excellent choice because they make walls appear more expansive.
Just because your space is small doesn’t mean we have to skimp on style. Small apartments can still feel like spacious and cozy homes; it just may require making a few tweaks. Lighting can make a huge difference. You can start small by uncovering your windows and inviting more natural light into your home. Stay tuned for more home remodeling and decorating tips from the experts.